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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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international help. reporting.
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live from moscow. with us. now libya's government forces claim to have taken. the last bastion of supporters in libya but locals caught up in the weeks of violence pleading to the international community for help. to warn you you may find some of the following pictures disturbing. we continue to receive contradictory reports as to what is happening inside bani walid on the one hand we're hearing from pro-government sources that the city has fallen and that it is in the hands of the army but we're hearing exactly the opposite from our own sources and those are people who have
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family inside the city and who hearing firsthand information now it's taken us almost three days to make contact with a local resident of the city that also gives you a sense of whether or not the statement that the situation is under control is in fact accurate or not. the situation is very difficult the city is almost completely destroyed residents are buried in the rubble many among the victims are children and the elderly there are even more children and elderly using your channel we're appealing to the whole world our city is dying what's happening in bani walid everyone just attacked it is just armed forces where is there a legitimate government they announce a country of law a country of justice where are they why can't we see them now red cross international has said that some twenty five thousand people have fled the city to neighboring refugee camps this is more than a quarter of the population we also continue to receive and there are five reports of the use of poison gas and also indiscriminate shelling but meanwhile the
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television is also bore cost of almost nonstop pictures of dead and dying children we have spoken with a man who has family inside the procedure town he went on to say there are people i extremely frightened there is no government for a very large. no or. most of them. because. food reducing for everything they use machinery. houses they attack it by going. from far. beating guys is. brilliant. insight. for an.
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earlier this month the libyan government ordered its army to use all necessary means to deal with bombing and what we continue to see is a situation that all accounts remains dire indeed on the choose date the united nations security council russia did put forward a draft statement that called for a peaceful resolution to this ongoing crisis now the united states blocked the response from russia was that the blocking was a behavior that was difficult to explain particularly in light of the fact that four american embassy officials were killed in the country last month so you do have fingers being pointed at both the united states and others in the international community and accusing them of double standards these are countries and capitals that on the one hand are so quick to blame the syrian president bashar assad but are very slow to take action when you have a crisis like is it like what is happening in bani walid. and a bit earlier here on our team my colleague spoke to
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a member of libya's ruling general national congress he asked that mohammed sayed how the government justifies the deaths of civilians in bernie ward. for you. and your colleagues. you would have to take the full picture we are taking care of the family every single family. been taking out of been awarded houses and everyone we've spoken to some of. them we've spoken to families at least two families and they're saying that is not the case there is an intense amount of pressure there still. you see where the government force attacking a place where there are outlaws hided of course it won't be easy it's like a thirty second operation there will be some small mistakes but the whole picture
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of the whole thing is being handled. better affecting we are taking care of all the family all the. really all the women houses are ready for them food everything we're not getting the pictures. that there's been reports of chemical weapons being used to fight. a fax from doctors purportedly in the city which says victims are suffering from toxic gas poisoning the going come in the man . these are lies these are lies i trust the guys who are over there trust our forces there are muslim there are human values are very high i have lots of trust and confidence there will never have been these things being used during the days of the dictator of the monitor he did use lots of things like this but for our forces all of them they have
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forward against these things they have values they have rules they will never break the rules. and there would never break that. now with less than two weeks left before america votes we are bringing you our special coverage of the race for the white house as the presidential front runners play the foreign policy card in their latest attempt to woo voters the pentagon has issued a stark cyber threat warning of the threat of a potential pearl harbor orchestrated by hackers from abroad more on this now towards who's more important. america's military invasions interventions and targeted attacks have traditionally been deployed on the battlefield yet today a significant shift in technology has created a brand new terrain for warfare the internet which most people use for communication research and entertainment is being dubbed the battlefield of the
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future in an era of hackers and viruses computers are something of a weapon in the emerging world of cyber war a virtual world where military strikes are invisible and everyone online remains vulnerable earlier this month u.s. defense secretary leon panetta warned that america faces the possibility of a cyber pearl harbor if online security is ensuring things the even greater danger facing us in cyberspace goes beyond crime and it goes beyond harassment. a cyber attack. perpetrated by nation states or violent extremist groups could be destructive as the terrorist attack on nine eleven while the pentagon is looking to expand washington's ability to respond to cyber attacks. it's also developing procedures that allow frontline troops to have
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a new generation of cyber weapons at their fingertips and the army's cyber effects request format otherwise known as surf is a system that allows combatants to request cyber fire operations from the u.s. cyber command some operations could include infiltrating an unclassified network inside of a ground force headquarters to disrupt their communications what the military is trying to do know is to embed computer experts when you're dealing for example with counterinsurgency people who know how to do forensic work on a laptop if you capture somebody how do. how to prevent your drone your backpack drone from being interfered with i mean nearly everything even to the to the squad level in the platoon level is starting to have her encounter
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hacker issues but it's not only tactical implementation that the u.s. is looking at allegations have emerged that washington has already launched its first offensive strike in two thousand and ten the first weapon to be made entirely out of code targeted he runs a nuclear program a computer virus known as stuxnet infected tehran's enrichment facilities with the capability to turn up the pressure inside iran's nuclear reactors or switch off the oil pipelines and tell the system operators that everything was normal the attack destroyed nearly one thousand of iran's six thousand centrifuges according to reports the virus was a joint collaboration between the us and israel ward. struck the experts however warned that washington's growing involvement in cyber warfare could come back to haunt the u.s. it's a double edge sword which you use against your enemy is of eventually going to work its way back to you everybody's looking for deniability if you say stocks or flame
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or any of the other variants it's the only one they can prove who did it or how you did it you can just so you are really shocked this is happening. this soft power dimension to new u.s. policies in the digital world is reflected in its desire to win hearts and minds of the online community last year the u.s. spent nearly twenty million dollars to help foreign citizens access online material and social media meanwhile the u.s. government is working hard to spy on internet communications not just on its own citizens but foreign nationals as well america's largest overseas eavesdropping base is in britain and the top secret facility carries out a whole range of military diplomatic and commercial surveillance the beginning of a new global battlefield where viruses replace drones and how kurz may be calm some of the highest ranking officials in the u.s. military what may still sound to some like science fiction is fast becoming a virtual reality marina for nine r.t.
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new york. let's get some reaction on this story from u.s. based author and historian gerald hole and joining us live now from washington good to see you today so if i may just start by saying quite often i spent many years in in washington d.c. and other parts of america and quite often in the run up to u.s. election you get these a sudden terror threats being announced to the color coded system goes from yellow to red warning in dollars phones on public transport public areas how much regarding the cyber threat should the people be reading into it do you think. clearly this is a case of is this an hill in the sense that it's well known to the united states has been a pioneer. in terms of cyber warfare your correspondent mentioned stocks in that there are other kinds of viruses that have been released into the internet by the u.s. authorities as is well known in the washington d.c. area there is the national security agency otherwise known as a or no such agency
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which is high and mirrored in terms of cyber warfare and as we speak is seeking to disrupt the internet in various countries particularly iran so so you're saying that they're basically that behind closed doors whether it's the n.s.a. or as you say the no such agency that is they say contest an agenda to basically instead of cyber warfare around the world if indeed that is the case what the pentagon's motives what's washington's motives. the motives are undeniable the motives include of course u.s. hedge of money globally the motive includes seeking to create a foothold in foreign countries for u.s. based transnational corporations the motives are to attack alleged u.s. untag and as such as iran. you raise a very good point have i do want to raise this question here and you know during the 1980's the reagan administration we had nancy reagan's war on drugs that basically gave us gave the military a unfettered access
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a launch to colombia nicaragua the bush administration had the war on terror and now we have this cycle threat of cyber warfare perhaps a stand of back unchallenged foreign policy as perhaps you alluded to a moment ago. well what's even more curious is that just yesterday the new york times reported on the front page that there was an attack on the u.s. saudi oil into prizes saudi arabia that disrupted the activities of the major into teaching the allegation in the new york times was that iran had struck back at united states because of stuxnet you know i'm not sure of what can give any credibility to such a story. but one inference that can be drawn is that when the united states begins cyber warfare it basically opens doors box it opens the opportunity for other countries to retaliate against united states and so when you talk about the opportunity for other countries to retaliate against united states itself what about you know america and britain as well have warned of almost
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a daily cyber attacks from china i mean you think beijing is a real global player when it comes to that of a side but wolf. well with regard to china there is a lot of hysteria as you know when there are states right now with regard to china there is concern that china is in the passing lane there is also a concern the chinese based telecommunications corporation such as c t or going to be dominating the telecommunications infrastructure of the united states to the detriment of washington however once again i think this is more hysteria than anything else all right historian and author gerald hall and joining us live from washington many many thanks indeed thank you. will do stay with us here on out if you can't have more news stories coming your way off to a very short break. i
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never thought i could earn a living this way. natale a show of oil is the norm or should test small arms so there's a lot almost machine building ploy and not obvious sourced count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no wait i'm so tired of shooting. the planet's history goes from making firearms doing world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans so if you were also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for hoffa's century it thrived on the massive moods of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than
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others. this is the truck factory rush is the number one truck maker for girls a look at how well the workplace is organized everything's gone to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was sold production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these giants are sold around the globe hit a base of brand new breeds now wait for him to be delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this one roll up the bronx going to bed about every day look about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get up that. we can go far to drive. whoa that was. to get one of these to travel to whatever it was with a cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving money.
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which brightened. from stupid. stunts on t.v. dot com. what will change when america picks its president i made muslim rage. pushing china russia as occupy anger spreads to two parties still dictate their future this election a close guy every member fears on our team. it's
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good to have you with us here in our. region striving for independence all of austerity torn europe have fresh inspiration and their breakaway campaigns scotland's deal with london to hold an independence referendum has others ready following including the likes of catalonia. examines the trend. tides to change nationalism bred by ways of crises has swept across a once united union scotland has just been granted the historic right to see whether or not it wants to remain. parts of the united kingdom in the next couple of years they're not the only ones across europe right now and there's
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a growing movement thinking nationhood from catalonia to venice scotland has been leading the way the year its independence seekers along with the cape belgium spain and italy have all seen a rise in cools the separatism that could be set to retool the map of europe in venice recently thousands took to the streets to demand a referendum on the start listing an independent the nation republic. this situation here in venice or it's it's almost explosive sold so they were thousands of people who have gathered in front of their regional government they were going up are saying to them irish aleutian. signed by thousands of british to have a referendum for independence of any favor in spain in the sight of catalonians marching on mass in barcelona to call for home rule is becoming more and more familiar catalonia says a people with
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a long history have language and identity and it has been struggling for the last thirty years to be recognized and to do there are. other areas sustain in italy is seeing similar an easement there are several regional results the main reason is economic is there we are being. in your situation we're in a situation worse than a colony because there's a worse thing factory in italy it's the highest in the world and our services are extremely poor we twenty billion nation from our region our resources for each year and that's come bearable for the union orientated voters have also a strong points to support their case questions of the membership broader security arrangements could muffle discontents come a referendum. and these are the realities discussed his face his face as
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a safe of those is the only nation with the right to vote on the issue is her view and times the year are the ones really quite sure what life ahead but one thing. that scotland's recent success is only going to strengthen the calls of those who are demanding their rights to choose service. let's get some business news from the lovely natasha shine yes guy good to see you today tell us about some rushes of french apparel on there are a flutter about to face a new competitor that's right and that's going to be the world's second biggest a low cost air carrier easy jet it's about to start its flights to russia u.k. is aviation regulator has picked the airline over the virgin atlantic to fly between london and moscow the first whites are scheduled for early two thousand and thirteen and easy jet is already eyeing another five archon cities to strive its wings too there are no budget airlines in russia at the moment to build the country's second largest carrier trans hour has announced plans to start one and
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aviation analyst marks but it isn't explains why the previous efforts failed. but all of us is going to budget carriers in russia will push prices lower and boost passenger flow by attracting train travelers and screw the absence of russian low cost airlines here infrastructure is the problem for example only ten percent of russian airports can accommodate foreign planes the most coveted aviation hub moscow will reach its maximum capacity in just three years. plus now check out the markets will start with the year of and is trading higher the sour but the likes of france telecom and you know lever a limiting the gains it's the same story a lower than expected earnings or weak earnings estimates here in russia stocks slipped into red over the past hour and that's despite higher oil prices more noise . in a minute russia's internet company male daughter
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a huge group has sold the bulk of its stake in facebook the company now owns twenty million shares or just three quarters of a percent melgar you doesn't reveal the financial details of the deal but analysts say it's worth about three hundred million dollars and crude is snapping out of its a longest losing streak in five months and that's despite the fact that according to some estimates were about to face the biggest a serf loss in about four years on the currency markets at the moment the dollar showing some strength against the european currency and the russian ruble is trading stronger to the currency basket. and that's the latest from the business desk coming up next a french politician and a vocal anti e.u. advocate francois a city new describes the problems his native france is facing by staying in the euro zone.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought . i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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zip zip good lumber atory to mccurdy was able to build a most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't dorna found anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the dog.
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new deal on the side. radioactive fallout of government betrayal the government blog everything lauded and lauded and claude how can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was a very great danger to the servicemen concerned who will give them no problem protection and to the people of this country generally because of the radioactive fallout of. the secrets of the u.k.'s nuclear tests expert.
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here with me today is a french politician former presidential candidate and now the head of the popular republican union here in france process thank you very much for being with us thank you for inviting us today not one of mr holland's complains slogans was changed is now that was the most important slogan actually of the whole campaign and actually now we see lots of changes indeed in france but and. fortunately not always for the better so where is trials going right now. this situation is complicated at the
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moment and we'll get even more so it's not just in france but all euro zone countries look at what is happening in greece italy spain portugal arland france is somewhat better off than those in the south but the situation here is grave unemployment has surpassed the three million mark and things will continue to worsen why is this happening because our economic policy is bound to create recession cycles the central strategy is to cut government spending apparently in order to balance the budget people often say there is a budget deficit so in order to balance of we just need to cut government spending but it only works if your income comes from salary the state revenue comes from income tax corporate tax the eighty tax on fuel but these largely depend on the level of economic activity in the country if you cut government spending stop hiring government employees if you lay people off if the government invests less then obviously social.


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